Credentials and Publications
The Making of a Theologian
Many are called, few are chosen
The Reverend Monsignor John W. Sweeley, Th.D., better known as Jack, was ordained to the priesthood and raised to the dignity of Monsignor in the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch-Malabar Rite known as the Church of Antioch. When the Church of Antioch suffered schism, he incardinated into the Ascension Alliance that is a Community of Ascensionists.

Reverend Monsignor John W. Sweeley
Although retired from his 15 year pastorate at St. James Catholic Community, Monsignor Sweeley remains a member of the faculty of two seminaries: Ascension Theological Seminary, the seminary of the Ascension Alliance and St. Michael's Divinity School, Australia, which is the seminary of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch, Australia.
Monsignor Sweeley is a widely acclaimed author of religious, political, and social justice books and Commentaries and has been recognized by reviewers as a theologian, historian, political scientist, educator, and a scholar's scholar.

Published Books include
HERMENEUTICS: The Historical Critical Method and Tools of Modern Biblical Criticism
INDEPENDENT CATHOLICS: A Guide to the Sojourner
POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND SOCIAL COMMENTARIES: The Struggle for Dignity, Justice, and Equality in 21st Century America, Vol. 1: A-AM; Vol. 2: AM-AZ; Vol. 3: B C
REINCARNATION FOR CHRISTIANS: Evidence from Early Christian and Jewish Mystical Traditions
RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, AND SOCIAL JUSTICE: How America Lost its Moral Authority--The Ethics and Politics of Science and Religion, Abortion, Intelligent Design, Women's Rights, and the Separation Between Church and State.
THREE CONVOCATION ADDRESSES: Walking the Pilgrim's Path; Continuing Resurrection; Women in Christianity
WOMEN IN JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY, AND ISLAM: Their Roles, Status, Dignity, and Equality
Forthcoming Books include
ABORTION: Essentials of Thought, Word, and Deed
AMERICA 2000-2016: The State of the Nation
HAIL MARY! BLESSED ARE YOU AMONG WOMEN: The Complete Anthology of the Appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary
MILLENNIALISM, DOMINIONISM, AND FASCISM: How the Religious-Right, Tea Party, and Know Nothing Republicans are Destroying America
MYSTICISM AND ESOTERICISM: Concepts, Beliefs, and Practices
Most recently, Monsignor Sweeley has created the book series Heuristic Philologia to publish the hundreds of commentaries he has written over the past 15 years. The books carry the title: Political, Religious, and Social Commentaries: The Struggle for Dignity, Justice, and Equality in 21st Century America. The series is published in the form of an Encyclopedia with new books being added to the series on a regular basis.
Monsignor Sweeley's academic credentials include:
University/Seminary Major Degree
University of Baltimore Social Science B.A.
Coppin State University Counseling M.Ed.
Johns Hopkins University Psycholinguistics M.A.
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Seminary Theology M.A.
Sophia Divinity School Theology M.Div.
Sophia Divinity School Theology Th.D.